AI FIRST: The First Principle for Efficient and Successful Business

We all know the famous principle SAFETY FIRST, right? It’s that super important, life-saving rule #1 in industries like Glass & Glazing, Building & Construction, Manufacturing, and tons of others.

Nowadays, another principle has emerged with the rise of Artificial Intelligence – AI FIRST. This approach will become the most important for making our businesses more efficient and as a result more successful.

Now, I can almost hear you saying, “Val, that’s all nice and fancy talk about AI getting everywhere and taking over everything.” And you’re not wrong to be skeptical.

If you Google or ask ChatGPT about “AI First” you’ll get tons of generic articles about how AI should be at the core of every product, service, and process. Sure, they’ve got many valid points.

However, I would like to talk about practical and hands-on use of AI in our everyday activities.

Here is my reading of AI FIRST:

Whatever I do, I ask myself two simple questions:

  • Can I use AI for this?
  • Can AI do it better than me?

That’s it. AI FIRST – for each process, for each task. Especially in business.
Think about it. Writing emails, creating texts and promotional materials, doing research, finding SEO keywords, editing documents, making analyses – whatever it is, the questions remain the same: can AI do it or do it better?

Why does this matter? Well, it’s simple. This approach will make you, your company, and your processes much more efficient. And what does efficiency lead to? You got it – success. You’ll be ahead of your peers and competitors.

With this AI FIRST mindset, you can do so much more, and often much easier. It’s like having a super-smart assistant always ready to lend a hand.

Use it or lose it! I mean opportunities that AI provides for you.

In my next article, I will show a real and very practical example of AI FIRST principle that saved me a lot of time.

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